Scribbled textured hatching by anthony quinn artist

Nourish your creative soul

Your artist-in-residence

Anthony Quinn

Anthony quinn portrait photo

Mutualism in art: a creative symbiosis where the collective gains from the relationship

Art offers a way to slow down, centre oneself, and connect with a different perspective. Art is a portal to a new way of seeing. It fosters a deeper connection with ourselves and others, our inner and outer worlds, real and imagined.

Images that resonate with us can help us feel calmer, more connected, and more satisfied with life. A Norwegian study of over 50,000 people found that experiencing art provides the same benefits as creating it1.

A shared creative journey

As your artist-in-residence, I make intricate drawings for curious minds and creative souls like you. You are not just a ‘consumer’ of art. You are a muse and an advocate for creativity. You’re invited into my process, to inform my practice and inspire and influence my work as an artist.

Experience new art

  1. Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (2006-2008) ↩︎