Anthony Quinn Artist

Your personal artist in residence

Past projects

  • A Walk in That Forest (Trust, Magic and Transformation)

    A Walk in That Forest (Trust, Magic and Transformation)

    You can only know one thing when you set out to make art: there is a lot you can’t know. Will you finish? Will it be good enough to share? Will anyone connect with it? To make art that helps us to connect as creative beings is a magical act of hope. Artists make…

  • Reading is…

    Reading is…

    What does reading mean to you? 2014-15 Reading can be a pleasure or a pain, a way to learn or a window through which to escape to a better reality. It’s something that people and machines do, sometimes together. It’s everywhere and nowhere. I asked some people what reading meant to them and produced…

  • Goodness You

    Goodness You

    Mail art for positive people, 2013 People from around the world were offered a chance to appreciate a positive act by another person. They were invited to nominate the recipient and share what it was that they appreciated about this person, something they did that made a positive difference for others. The intent was…

  • Project 52

    Project 52

    Crowdsourced inspiration, 2011 – 2012 52 people were invited to provide a photo of an object that inspired a drawing and 52 word story. Each week, a wider audience was invited to share thoughts on the objects, eg ‘what’s the first thing that comes to mind, when you think of a toy?’ The people…