Your creative soul is part of your being

Anthony Quinn
Do you have a personal mantra?
Every day, with each passing minute. Reading this, we are seconds closer to the end of life as we know it. Death is inescapable. Yet we live, love, create, dream and plan for a better future. We persist despite heartbreak, loss, illness and many tiny points of friction and frustration.
What do you say when you need to rise above, conquer or come to peace? To accept the present? To dream, to hope?
Our mantras are as varied and unique as ourselves. Yours could be words of wisdom gifted to you in a time of need. A song lyric, a line from a poem or a prayer. A catchphrase from a movie, a comic book, a hero.

No two branches are the same to wren
Lost, by David Wagoner
This mantra is a line from a poem. It reminds me to recognise that everywhere, everywhen is a little different to what I might assume. To slow down, to pay attention. To be present.
A shared creative journey
As your artist-in-residence, I make intricate drawings for curious minds and creative souls like you. You are not just a ‘consumer’ of art. You are a muse and an advocate for creativity.
A journey of creative exploration and discovery awaits
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No matter which option you choose, you’ll be part of a creative community with opportunities to influence and own a unique body of art.
Subscribe to my newsletter to see new art emerge as it unfolds. You’ll have some opportunity to influence the art.
Share your mantra to inspire an artwork. You’ll also have a chance to win a hand-embossed fine art print.
Commission a unique original artwork inspired by your mantra.
A work of art that’s yours.
Need to know more? Drop me a line