Anthony Quinn Artist

Your personal artist in residence


  • What do you see?

    What do you see?

    You, reading this post, looking at this picture. You matter. I made this for you. Take a look. What do you see when you look at this drawing? Just a sketch. Does it resonate or connect with you somehow? If you find a connection, stay with it. Explore that. No connection? No worries.  The Moon…

  • Win a drawing: Send me on an Odyssey

    Win a drawing: Send me on an Odyssey

    My art practice invites you to become part of an unfolding story where the doors of curiosity are thrown open, creativity flourishes and hope is a constant companion. We run the gauntlet daily, surrounded by deft pickpockets with nimble fingers. Their seductive promises and misdirection lull the unwary traveller into a numbing fog so…

  • Imbas Forosnai and the beautiful magic of art

    Imbas Forosnai and the beautiful magic of art

    To make art that connects is a beautiful magical act. You make something out of nothing, an illusion embodied in reality and alive in the imagination. To make art is to struggle with many tensions. Standing back to observe a subject and immersing oneself in the experience. The ‘aha’ of inspiration and the slog…

  • What do you see in the details?

    What do you see in the details?

    This tiny detail from a recent pen and ink drawing is no larger than a small postage stamp. I find it easy to get lost in the details, investing time and attention in the little things. I get lost in the lostness and somehow find something of myself in there. These tiny elements all…